What is Anxiety? MHA Screening
Created for Mental Health America's Back to School campaign, the goal of this animation is to compel people that suspect they have mental illness to take a screening on the MHA site.
To achieve this goal we establish an emotional connection by going through symptoms of anxiety.
The workload was distributed among a three person team consisting of myself, and fellow designers Holly Galvan and Piper Fields. My roles included concept design, storyboarding, background design, frame by frame animation, and compiling. I animated the portion of video staring at 0:31 and ending at 0:54.
What is Anxiety? MHA Screening w/ Audio Descriptions
In order to make the content inclusive, a version of this animation was made to include audio descriptions. Accessibility consultant Jean Hanks met with us to discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Audio descriptions are included to make the video ADA compliant.
This ensures that people with visual impairments can understand what the content is depicting.
MHA Anixiety Storyboard
Carlos the Courageous Cactus
An animation of a fully rigged character going the through motions of three distinct poses. The first pose is a sword smash where the character raises the sword above his head and smashes it into the ground. The second pose is a quick sword slash in which the character jabs the sword forward. The final pose is a needle explosion, in which the character inflates and cactus spines expel outward.
EPIC Science Deforestation GIF
The goal of this looped animation is to illustrate a science concept in a clever way. The animation is meant to be displayed in a school setting, and used as an introduction to the topic deforestation. This animation is made available to educators via the EpicScience website. Check out the animation on the site here.